Although there are many advantages of red wine paper bag, the design of this paper bag was a "weakness" of Chinese paper bag factory in the past, but we said before, but now it is not. Nowadays, domestic packaging and printing manufacturers, such as Judi paper products, also have their own professional design team, constantly designing new box types and bringing forth the new. The production technology has also reached a fairly high level, which is almost the same as the mechanization level of Europe and the United States. We bid farewell to manual packaging.
Red wine paper bags must adhere to and develop the road of "technology, creativity and environmental protection". Vigorously innovate, constantly track and analyze the changes in the use, circulation, storage and other related links of paper products and paper bags, and develop new structures of paper bags to meet the user's convenience of taking and placing, easy handling, loading and unloading, and embody the principle of serving people. This not only reduces the comprehensive cost of paper bags, but also increases the affinity of packaging, which is conducive to improving the image of products.
At the same time, for the sales of paper bags, the printing pattern should combine the characteristics and positioning of the product, use special elements and symbols, have unique creativity, and have outstanding visual impact and attraction when presented with other similar products. Finally, we must adhere to and develop green paper bags, which has been widely recognized and valued by the society. It can not only create good economic benefits for enterprises, but also create good social benefits
Different material Select for your paper bags
Different handle solution for choose
Regular paper surface craft on paper bags
How to bespoke your paper bags at judi industrial Co,.Ltd.